‘Tier 1’ CategoryPage 2

Initiate as soon as possible with substantial progress demonstrated over the next three years.

Prioritizing Program Support

Recommendation from the Facilities and Finances Task Force: Identify programs where we currently excel or would like to excel to give priority for staffing and resource allocation to areas that support these programs. This recommendation was placed in the Quality-Enhancing and Innovative Initiatives Strategic Framework Substantive Category using the language: Identify programs where the College […]

Academic Affairs and CVR Partnership

Recommendation from the Interdisciplinary Programs Task Force: Strengthen the partnership between the Center for Vocational Reflection and Academic Affairs relating to mentoring, vocational advising, and reflection on experiential learning. Additional explanation: The Center for Vocational Reflection serves as a catalyst for interdisciplinary collaborations. Since its conception in 2001, the Center for Vocational Reflection has taken […]

Career Experience Options for Students

Recommendation from the Student Life Task Force: Expand the types of career experience options to increase the number of student participants. Additional explanation: The Career Center would take the lead in supporting the efforts that could include: Developing January career exploration classes; encouraging multi-site internships; providing reflection for non-credit internships. Results may include by the […]

Faculty Compensation for Specific Disciplines

Recommendation from the Facilities and Finances Task Force: Provide additional compensation for faculty in disciplines in which the market among baccalaureate institutions demands more than the Gustavus base salaries. Additional explanation: For each position Gustavus remains in the upper 20% in compensation. This recommendation was placed in the Tangible Resources Strategic Framework Substantive Category using […]

Culture of Philanthropy

Recommendation from the Stewardship Task Force: Foster and promote a culture of philanthropy and gratitude by establishing the Gustavus story of philanthropy that clearly articulates the need statement for annual and endowment gifts. Additional explanation: The story will be taught to all students and alumni, including how an endowment works; where operating money is allocated; […]

Online Alumni Communication

Recommendation from the Stewardship Task Force: Leverage and build upon current systems to create a more robust and dynamic online alumni communications platform. Additional explanation: This platform should facilitate permission-based/opt-in marketing, social networking tools, greater ease and timeliness of information dissemination, alumni relationship management, development of alumni-driven affinity groups, and connections of alumni to current […]

Funding to Recruit Top Students

Recommendation from the Stewardship Task Force: Build the financial resources necessary to attract and retain top students. Additional explanation: Alternatives to a four-year college degree are more numerous now than ever, which means the competition for qualified students is also more challenging. To remain a top academic destination, the College cannot afford to lose qualified […]

Local Alumni Involvement

Recommendation from the Stewardship Task Force: Actively involve local (St. Peter/Mankato) alumni for on-campus programming. This recommendation was placed in the Partnerships and Collaborations Strategic Framework Substantive Category using the language: Actively involve local (St. Peter/Mankato) alumni for on-campus programming. This recommendation was placed is Tier 1 and is being monitored by the Vice President […]

Bystander Intervention Program

Recommendation from the Student Life Task Force: Expand an interactive bystander intervention program that equips students to intervene in emergency and non-emergency situations where another’s drinking has potentially harmful consequences for the drinker and bystanders. Additional explanation: Training is open to all students with special emphasis on training student leaders (e.g. CFs, PAs, athletic team […]

Reduce Water Use

Recommendation from the Facilities and Finances Task Force: Promote facilities and practices that reduce water use and maximize clean water recharging of aquifers. This recommendation was placed in the Quality-Enhancing and Innovative Initiatives Strategic Framework Substantive Category using the language: Create a Presidential Environmental Sustainability Advisory Group to promote best practices so the College can […]