‘Academic Programs and New Initiatives’ CategoryPage 4

Expand and Renovate Anderson Building

Recommendation from the Academic Programs and New Initiatives Task Force: Renovate and expand the Anderson Building and define its mission as a center of teaching and pedagogy to accommodate programs and departments such as, for example, the Kendall Center, Education Department, Gustavus Technology Services, and Center for International and Cultural Education. Additional explanation: With the […]

Alumni and Academic Departments

Recommendation from the Academic Programs and New Initiatives Task Force: Enhance relationships with Gustavus alumni and students by establishing formal programs connecting alumni with academic departments and other College programs. Additional explanation included: Alumni are a valuable source of support for Gustavus students. Programs could take a variety of forms and could involve both academic […]

Expand and Renovate Nobel Hall of Science

Recommendation from the Academic Programs and New Initiatives Task Force: Expand and renovate Nobel Hall of Science into a premier facility for learning and research collaboration to accommodate current and future teaching and research. Additional explanation: Nobel urgently needs to be expanded and renovated to accommodate faculty growth, HHMI commitments, trans-disciplinary opportunities, and developing pedagogies […]

Recruitment and Retention of Diverse Students

Recommendation from the Academic Programs and New Initiatives Task Force: Support the efforts to recruit and retain a diverse student population. Additional explanation: Integrate perspectives on race, gender, class, and ethnicity in class discussions to enhance the curriculum and student learning. This recommendation was placed in the Tangible Resources Strategic Framework Substantive Category using the […]

First-Year Student Immersion Experiences

Recommendation from the Academic Programs and New Initiatives Task Force: Conduct a feasibility study for creating immersion experiences for first-year students. Additional explanation: These may be pre-orientation or during the year (e.g., Boundary Waters canoe trip, social justice immersion). The study should include cost/benefit analysis and a review of student, faculty, and staff interest. This […]

Lifelong Learning

Recommendation from the Academic Programs and New Initiatives Task Force: Develop a plan, structure, and staffing for self-sustaining mission-focused lifelong learning. Additional explanation: The goal is for Gustavus to be seen as a knowledge hub and collaborator, a regional leader to which people come for expertise. This could include exploring ways to build programs that […]

Comprehensive Leadership Center

Recommendation from the Academic Programs and New Initiatives Task Force: Establish a signature comprehensive leadership center at Gustavus rooted in the College’s mission and guarantees each student will experience leadership learning, development, and growth throughout their four years. Additional explanation: Adapt the Leadership Center model and definition proposed by the Leadership Working Group. This recommendation […]

Innovative Pedagogical Techniques

Recommendation from the Academic Programs and New Initiatives Task Force: Support, through faculty development training and funding, innovative pedagogical techniques incorporating new and emerging technologies that show improved student learning outcomes. Additional explanation: Emphasize the Gustavus mission to teach students to think critically, write persuasively, act ethically, and speak articulately in terms of 21st-century methods […]

Classroom Technology Maintenance and Upgrades

Recommendation from the Academic Programs and New Initiatives Task Force: Develop a sustainable and strategic approach to classroom technology maintenance and upgrades by fully endowing a replacement and renewal fund for all technology on campus (offices, classrooms, laboratories, and conference space). Additional explanation: A $10,000,000 endowed replacement and renewal fund for technology will enable us […]

Undergraduate Research Faculty Associate

Recommendation from the Academic Programs and New Initiatives Task Force: Create a faculty associate for undergraduate research and inquiry. Additional explanation: This person would assist and actively match research and creative inquiry opportunities on and off-campus with interested students; lead the training of faculty in how to identify and actively encourage students to become involved […]