‘Faith’ CategoryPage 4

Accessibility of Daily Chapel

Recommendation from the Faith Task Force: Explore ways to make Daily Chapel more easily accessible to on-campus community members, alumni, and congregations. Additional explanation: This may include podcasts, or a DVD series that could be shaped for a target audience with additional guided reflections. This recommendation was placed in the Spiritual Growth and Development Strategic […]

Admission and ELCA Congregations

Recommendation from the Faith Task Force: Pursue every avenue to support and recruit immigrant students from the surrounding region, including from Minnesota’s many ethnic Lutheran congregations. Additional explanation: This will involve an active collaboration with other ELCA institutions to educate the parents and prospective students in ELCA congregations about the benefits of attending an ELCA-affiliated […]

Mentoring Men in Faith Exploration and Leadership

Recommendation from the Faith Task Force: Charge the Men’s Leadership Team, Center for Vocational Reflection, and Chaplains’ Office to explore strategies to intentionally mentor Gustavus men in faith exploration and leadership. Additional explanation: This addresses the disproportionate involvement of men compared to women regarding campus initiatives on faith development. We offer the following as relevant […]

Host Lutheran Conference

Recommendation from the Faith Task Force: Evaluate the proposal for Gustavus to host a large conference on faith for Lutheran congregations and the broader Gustavus community. Additional explanation: This conference could be in conjunction with the Association of Congregations or stand alone. This could provide spiritual growth opportunities for attendees and strengthen ties between the […]