Communication with Community Partners Posted on October 9th, 2009 by

Recommendation from the Community Engagement Task Force:

Create systems to improve communication among Gustavus and potential community partners to maximize student learning outcomes.

Additional explanation:

Sharing opportunities and information with non-profits, schools, business, etc. to ensure that everyone benefits and that students learn the process of Act-Reflect-Connect which prepares them for life-long learning.

This recommendation was placed in the Partnerships and Collaborations Strategic Framework Substantive Category using the language:

Expand the infrastructure of the Community Service Center to meet existing needs, expand opportunities, and provide assessment to maximize engaged student learning through community partnerships, with a goal of75 percent of graduating seniors participating in a course or program involving community-based learning.

This recommendation was placed is Tier 2 and is being monitored by the Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs.


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