Faculty Compensation Posted on October 9th, 2009 by

Recommendation from the Facilities and Finances Task Force:

Fund and maintain faculty compensation that is within the upper 20% of institutions based on agreed-upon peer group.

Additional explanation:

Employee compensation relates to the College’s values of Excellence and Justice. Employee compensation is the single largest expenditure of the College’s operating budget. If the College is to provide excellent instruction and student services, it must hire and retain quality faculty and support staff. On the other hand, the College as a matter of Justice is committed to provide a living wage to support staff and maintain a sense of equity among administrators and faculty.

This recommendation was placed in the Tangible Resources Strategic Framework Substantive Category using the language:

Fund and maintain faculty compensation that is within the upper 20% nationally based on an agreed-upon peer group and provide additional compensation for faculty in disciplines in which the market among baccalaureate institutions demands more than the Gustavus base salaries.

This recommendation was placed is Tier 1 and is being monitored by the Provost and Dean of the College.