Global and Multicultural Faculty Development Posted on October 9th, 2009 by

Recommendation from the Global and Multicultural Initiatives Task Force:

Establish a faculty development program (or enhance the existing program) to provide opportunities for faculty to explore issues of globalism and multiculturalism.

Additional explanation:

These could include funding and release time for course development, and training so faculty can address issues of bias, racism, homophobia, etc. in classroom settings.

This recommendation was placed in the Cultural Perspectives Strategic Framework Substantive Category using the language:

Establish a faculty development program to provide opportunities for faculty to explore issues of globalism and multiculturalism, including initiating a fellowship or research stipend to support cultural-related conferences and providing the means for every faculty member to have a global or multicultural experience.

This recommendation was placed is Tier 2 and is being monitored by the Provost and Dean of the College.


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