Globalize the Curriculum Posted on October 9th, 2009 by

Recommendation from the Interdisciplinary Programs Task Force:

Explore the development of courses focused on non-Western cultures and countries to support efforts to globalize the curriculum.

Additional explanation:

There are notable gaps in current course offerings in Africa, Asia, and Middle Eastern Studies. This could develop into a program for each of these areas to add to the current program in Latin American Studies or explore how to combine such programs under an umbrella of Global Studies or World Studies program.

This recommendation was placed in the Cultural Perspectives Strategic Framework Substantive Category using the language:

Explore efforts to globalize the curriculum including the development of courses focused on non-Western cultures and countries, establishing at least one course on cross-cultural competency in every major, and an intercultural general education requirement.

This recommendation was placed is Tier 2 and is being monitored by the Provost and Dean of the College.


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