Guiding Principles for Study-Away Posted on October 9th, 2009 by

Recommendation from the Global and Multicultural Initiatives Task Force:

Create guiding principles for domestic and international study-away. Principles should be based on the following ideals: 1) off-campus graduation requirement for all students; 2) immersion, not tourism; 3) civic engagement opportunities; 4) connection to our mission as a college; 5) academic rigor with measurable outcomes; 6) cost-neutrality; and 7) developmental learning.

Additional explanation:

To be effective in a global world, Gustavus must be clear and intentional on its stud-away values and guiding ideals.

This recommendation was placed in the Cultural Perspectives Strategic Framework Substantive Category using the language:

Create guiding principles, establish student learning outcomes, develop ample opportunities, and regularly review domestic and international study-away experiences with the Center for International and Cultural Education serving as a campus leader in ensuring cultural competency.

This recommendation was placed is Tier 2 and is being monitored by the Provost and Dean of the College.


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