‘Facilities and Finances’ CategoryPage 3

Building 40-Year Renewal Cycle

Recommendation from the Facilities and Finances Task Force: Develop benchmarks for funding the refreshment and maintenance of building systems within the 40-year renewal cycle (e.g., carpet, paint, technology, furniture, building systems). This recommendation was placed in the Tangible Resources Strategic Framework Substantive Category using the language: Build the financial base and endowment for funding the […]

College Strategic Plan Review

Recommendation from the Facilities and Finances Task Force: Annually review the Strategic Plan and Commission Gustavus 150-related priorities to ensure the budgeting process is aligned with these priorities. Additional explanation: Review how the budget is impacted by revenue projections and develop assessments for continual progress for the completion of agreed-upon priorities. This recommendation was placed […]

Support from Government, Corporations, and Foundations

Recommendation from the Facilities and Finances Task Force: Significantly increase restricted support from government, corporate, and foundation sources utilizing the newly determined institutional priorities and implementation plans. This recommendation was placed in the Tangible Resources Strategic Framework Substantive Category using the language: Significantly increase restricted support from government, corporate, and foundation sources, including matching gift […]

Design of New Buildings

Recommendation from the Facilities and Finances Task Force: Steer the design of any new buildings (including the new academic building) to reflect College’s newly defined architectural vision. This recommendation was removed by the Board of Trustees in conjunction with the removal of the recommendation to create a new architectural vision.

Presidential Environmental Sustainability Advisory Group

Recommendation from the Facilities and Finances Task Force: Create a Presidential Environmental Sustainability Advisory Group to research and promote best practices relating to consumption and environmental impact. This recommendation was placed in the Quality-Enhancing and Innovative Initiatives Strategic Framework Substantive Category using the language: Create a Presidential Environmental Sustainability Advisory Group to promote best practices […]

Professional Development Funding

Recommendation from the Facilities and Finances Task Force: Increase support for faculty and staff development by providing at least one academic or professional development conference or program per year for employees at full reimbursement. This recommendation was placed in the Personal Growth and Development Strategic Framework Substantive Category using the language: Create a model for […]

Spaces for Learning at the Intersections

Recommendation from the Facilities and Finances Task Force: Intentionally provide spaces within the built environment to support and enhance learning activity at the intersections (e.g., student study space, community building spaces, and common areas). </blockquote Additional explanation: Often these spaces are not originally championed or are repurposed to meet other needs. This recommendation was placed […]

Administrative Compensation

Recommendation from the Facilities and Finances Task Force: Maintain administrative compensation at levels competitive with baccalaureate institutions in an agreed-upon Minnesota peer group. Additional explanation: Employee compensation relates to the College’s values of Excellence and Justice. Employee compensation is the single largest expenditure of the College’s operating budget. If the College is to provide excellent […]

Size of Student Population

Recommendation from the Facilities and Finances Task Force: Conduct a strategic review to determine the desired size student population. This recommendation was placed in the Tangible Resources Strategic Framework Substantive Category using the language: Prepare financial modeling for enrollment of 2,200, 2,400, or 2,600, to determine the desired size student population. This recommendation was placed […]

Giving Benchmarks

Recommendation from the Facilities and Finances Task Force: Consistently meet or exceed the ELCA and Minnesota Private College Council peer group for total private gifting per student each year. Additional explanation: This includes gifts for unrestricted, restricted private gifts, capital, endowment, and planned gifts. This recommendation was placed in the Tangible Resources Strategic Framework Substantive […]